Saturday, September 25, 2010

Another beautiful day in paradise

We went on long beach walk today from Ledge Beach to Gull Rock. Gull Rock Beach named of course because of the large number of Gulls found on the rock just off shore, one of whom Captain Kalgan thinks might have been Jonathan Livingstone! Gull Rock is 26k East of Albany. The water was a turquoise colour and we were tempted to jump in. Dad cannot believe that on such a beautiful day we were about the only ones on the beach. After our walk we picked up some beers and Fish & Chips and went to a local beach to enjoy. Of course drinking on the beach is not really allowed and neither is drinking in the car. But Dad managed to hide what he what he was doing :-). I also took Dad on a walk through our garden and showed him the many variety of Eucalyptus trees growing on our block. Showed him the 10 that our neighbours cut down too.

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