Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Gorgeous Spring Day

Dad enjoyed a sleep in, lazy breakfast and then a walk down to the beach to enjoy the whales just metres of the beach. After lunch Becki took him to Albany's Windmill Farm. Albany wind farm is approximately 12km south-west of the city centre. It is in an elevated position approximately 80m above the Southern Ocean. This height, proximity to the coastline and small distance to the main electricity transmission system make this an exceptional wind farm site.

The Albany wind farm consists of twelve 1800kW wind turbines connected to the Albany electrical system and control network. The turbines are ENERCON E66 machines from Germany and were installed by Enercon Power Corporation, an Australian Company.

The turbines have a 65m tower and three 35m long blades, making them one of the biggest available in the world at that time, and the largest to be installed in the southern hemisphere. The turbines operate automatically, with the three blades adjusted to maximise power output from any wind direction or strength. They have been designed to withstand the strongest winds likely in Albany and incorporate special lightning protection.

The Albany Wind Farm, which officially opened in October 2001, was ten years in the planning. (Verve Energy)

Becki and her Dad also enjoyed the many wildflowers that are growing in the area. Tonight we had the traditional Snag on the Barbie with the white bread roll and salad. Terrence and Sabine joined us for dinner.

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