Friday, September 24, 2010

Mount Barker Community College's Tradition

Enjoying a Curry Pie from the Mount Barker Bakery

Meeting the girls in the Office
Firies on Duty

Let the Mud Run/Wrestle begin

Mouth to Mouth by a Fire Brigade Officer on a Teddy Bear

On the last day of Term 3 Mount Barker Community College holds its annual traditional 'Mud Run'. Despite all the concerns about Occupational Health and Safety the person who tries to ban this tradition would be a very brave person indeed. As part of a good behaviour standing certain students are given the opportunity to participate. They get dressed up and run about 1.5 km to the mud pit at the back of the farm. Teachers are in the mud pit and the students aim is get them into the mud. As the winter has been quite dry the fire brigade filled it up with water. Dad thought it was a 'riot'. He wore a Mount Barker Rugby Top and fit right in.

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